My clients are curious, life-long learners who have a sense that something is missing. They feel as if there is some secret to life that is eluding them. They are not looking to simply alleviate symptoms; rather, they seek to gain a broader understanding of themselves. They tend to be kind and conscientious, wanting good things for the world around them. They can find themselves consumed with anxious thoughts about what is “right.” And they often express to me that they have lost their sense of self.

Before they came to see me, they were feeling stuck and alone. They knew a change was necessary due to the empty feeling inside of them, but nothing they had found so far had been sufficient to fully help them. They were willing to do what it takes, and just needed some guidance and support in getting started.

Through the work we do together, my clients learn that there is a part of them who knows exactly who they are and how they want to live their life. They end up feeling confident in their ability to help themselves by accessing their own Inner Guide. And they grow a sense of self-compassion and self-worth that allows them to feel they are worthy of following their own inner guidance.

Hello, I'm Maggie

I help people access the calm, still voice in their psyche that they may not even know is there. I call it their Inner Guide.

I believe you have everything you need within you, and I will function as a temporary guide until you are in touch with your Inner Guide.

Read more about me on my About page to see if we’re a good fit.

Living a Guided Life

It is my joy to help my clients learn to live a guided life. Following that calm, still voice in the psyche results in clarity and confidence about what to do next, and it allows one to be driven by inspiration rather than shame.

Instead of:
  • Anxiously trying to decide what to do next
  • Experiencing fear and self-doubt that doesn't allow you to follow any ideas you have
  • Feeling hopeless, empty, lethargic, and like you are languishing
  • Experiencing jealousy, hurt, and resentment in reaction to the success of others
You could:
  • Be inspired creatively - having lots of ideas easily come to you
  • Trust yourself enough to follow your inklings, even if you are not sure where they are going when you start
  • Have confidence that you are on your own individualized path without wondering if there is a “better way”
  • Celebrate the success of others around you, knowing that what they do is part of their own individualized path and doesn't have anything to do with yours

Contact me for your free 15 minute phone consultation. I can help you decide if I’m a good fit for what you’d like to accomplish.

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